Superslim Cherry Richmond cigarettes

Superslim Cherry Richmond cigarettes are super thin cigarettes, which are attractive due to the stylish black filter and super thin cut pipe tobacco. They are elegant and have an unobtrusive and sweet cherry aroma. Contains 5 mg resin and 0.4 mg nicotine.

The tobacco of Superslim Cherry Richmond cigarettes is not mixed with anything harmful (any chemicals to improve the taste). They are very soft, even compared to cigarettes containing less tar and nicotine. They taste amazing, they have such a light chocolate shade in the aroma, and usually this is what indicates the good quality of the tobacco (personally in our experience). Superslim Cherry Richmond cigarettes don’t irritate your throat or leave a smokey smell on your clothes, and the smoke itself isn’t that nasty. As we understand it, the flavoring is not artificial; tobacco is aged like a good wine. Smile At present, we consider Superslim Cherry Richmond cigarettes to be the best, the price for such quality is simply miserable.

Smoking products of the brand are made on the basis of a mixture of dozens of varieties of tobacco. The company receives raw materials from advanced plantations in India, Turkey and South America. The ingredients are combined in balanced proportions. The leaves ripen in containers of oak wood.

After three months, the raw materials are moved to dryers and brought to optimal humidity levels. The result of tobacco aging is the formation of smoked, slightly spicy aromatics in the smoky plume of cigarettes. The brand’s products are not bitter, please with a pleasant sweetish aftertaste. Richmond cigarettes cartridges consist of reconstituted tobacco leaf. The manufacturer’s rejection of paper does not cause smokers to feel a repulsive burnt smell. Products are placed in packages with metal coating. Sealed packs preserve the original aroma of tobacco; protect raw materials from drying out.

Richmond cigarettes are equipped with innovative filters. Elements carefully filter out from the structure of smokes vegetable resins, dangerous particles of carbon monoxide, the mass of combustion products. Despite the elite status, the brand’s cigarettes are distributed at a democratic price. Therefore, tasting of the company’s products is available to the bulk of interested smoking enthusiasts.