Different names of reviews about iqos heat sticks Australia wide

The reviews have different names. Some people write heats or heets. This is Heats by Philip Morris. Generally, people who want to get iqos heat sticks Australia wide should first look for information on the Internet. Sometimes it’s easier to ask people you know. A lot of people are already smoking and ordering iqos heat sticks Australia wide. What many people like about it, according to many people’s reviews. No odor from clothes and hands. No smoke. Convenient to carry with you.

You don’t have to give up the usual “smoking ritual”. In addition to the general points noted by all stick users, there are also specific opinions. People have left many of their own reviews about this alternative to cigarettes, which can be helpful in forming your own opinion about this product and ordering iqos heat sticks Australia wide.

Iqos sticks are divided into classic and flavored nicotine sticks. The base of the stick is tobacco. As in cigarettes, it comes in three types: strong, medium and light.

The differences between them also manifest themselves in the flavor characteristics. Philip Morris is trying to improve the taste and quality of its products in order not to lose consumers.

Characteristic iqos bars with low tar and high nicotine content are less harmful to the body, but remain potent. When smoking iqos, there are a few nuances. The longer you inhale the vapor, the more intense the flavor. The more you smoke, the hotter the stick becomes and the more distinct the strength is felt. You will quickly get used to these subtle differences.

Parlament line is represented by two bars – Blue and Fresh, which are also already disappearing from the shelves; Azul is the strongest of them and is almost identical to Parlament tobacco.

The packaging of the new series of bars differs by the color of the liners: the colors of the strongest sticks of the iqos heets series are orange, brown, purple and yellow.

Each color has its own name and characteristic: Amber labels: created for lovers of really strong cigarettes, without flavorings; Yellow label: classic flavor comparable to traditional tobacco.

So, you have some options to order iqos heat sticks Australia wide.