We can give you cheap cigarettes online

When we suggest to our customers in our shop that they are also welcome to purchase cheap cigarettes online, we are often faced with confused faces. “How? Buy cheap cigarettes online? Can you do that?” Our answer: “Of course! You can easily do it from home. You simply have a look around our online shop, put your cigarettes in the shopping cart, choose your payment method and we will ensure that the cigarettes are delivered to your home as quickly as possible.

What must be considered when buying cheap cigarettes online? The only small hurdle to overcome is the identity check. This takes place on the one hand at the end of the order and for the second time when the cigarettes are delivered. Cigarettes are simply a sensitive product that must not get into the hands of young people. With this procedure we can and must guarantee this.

Cigarettes – What’s in it? Most cigarettes on the Australian market contain an American blend of Virginia and Oriental tobacco as a tobacco blend. Mostly these are cigarettes with a filter. In 1955, Philip Morris Ltd. with the MARLBORO the first filter cigarette on the market! Traditional brands such as Reval, Roth Händle and other brands still have cigarettes without in their range.

What are the differences between cigarettes? Spicy or subtle – the most important difference. Probably the most important difference for all smokers is the intensity of the tobacco taste. A basic distinction is made here between strong and spicy and balanced and mild. In general, you can tell the difference from the color of the cigarette packet. The strong, spicy cigarettes are mostly packed in red boxes, while a blue or gold pack usually suggests balanced, mild cigarettes. The only big exception here is the GAULOISES! Here the Gauloises blue is the spicier cigarette!

The tobacco contained in the cigarette is usually the same within a brand family. The different values ​​for nicotine, tar and condensate are mainly achieved by the filter used and the cigarette paper. You can find detailed values ​​of the cigarettes below the corresponding product description.